The start of an incredible journey......

Why YOU should consider being part of the Kenya 2017 journey.

Its difficult to put into words the roller coaster experience the Kenya trip offers. It many ways in order for it to be a worthwhile experience it has to push students (parents and staff) sometimes way beyond their comfort zones. The core characteristics of students who spend two weeks in the stunning African continent are all very similar yet the personalities and reasons for being there differ greatly. This group becomes a mini community and the shared experiences along the way will never be forgotten.

The destination is a central part of the experience but the cliche "its not about the destination, its about the journey" somewhat fits with this experience well too. You see students start to network, learn to work with people they wouldn't normally work with, develop key organisation skills and be far more creative then perhaps education currently allows. Students gain more awareness of areas such as finance, politics and international news.  The qualities of a good leader, a reliable group member and supportive friend are key areas the project seeks to develop in all students.

The projects on the trip are perhaps the most difficult area to capture with words. The values you question and the appreciate, the definitions you challenge and comprehend and the feelings you share and discover leave you with ingrained images and feelings. The schools and community are beyond welcoming and their appreciation and support feels boundless. The simple and subtle ways our students take this positive emotion and use it to leave the projects in a better place, then when we first arrived, is the reason staff will seek/push to continue this project well into the future. The icing to the already multilayer cake include the add-ons to the trip. The safari, meeting the local tribe, the animal sanctuary and many more mean the students are constantly amazed and gain the full African experience during the two week period.

The fundraising is a challenge it involves putting yourself out there and being willing to see the bigger picture for your actions. The value of the equipment, clothes and accessories we take to the project is not based on money but by difference it makes to the people and children in the community. The pictures and videos from previous trips fail to capture the feelings you experience in the moments captured. Admiration, sorrow, joy, helpful, needed, lucky, unique and capable are a number of words students used to describe key moments on their journeys.

The staff at Lutterworth will not only help with ideas and projects, you will find us attending most events and helping with the running and organisation too. Parents too have been very supportive of students in the past and their creative ideas and support has helped a number events in the past. We look forward to sharing this incredible journey with the eclectic range of students and parents who see the value this journey can add to their lives.

The below video is from a project in 2015 where the joy of simple things was captured briefly.

Bubbles and happiness
