Team Assembled
Fundraising Support:A helpful blog on what other students and other schools have done to raise money for the trip. Worth a look when brain storming ideas and seeing how others have advertised their ideas.
A helpful website for general information on events, how to set them up, things to consider etc. A great way to advertise events and collect money in a more efficient less bouncer style approach (can have a bigger population reach).
Its important to think and plan events before advertising. Miss Wilson and Mr Laywood have a year plan to spread the bigger events out to ensure you have access to more people and attention for your events is full.
Things to consider are:
- What health and safety aspects do you need to consider (does a risk assessment need to be carried out)
- What other events could potentially clash with yours (exams, whole school events etc.)
- How many people do you need for it to be a success? (The more people you have the less funds you will receive but not enough people equals a poor event!)
- Be creative and try and ensure you give something back (that could be your time, food or entertainment)
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