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Team Assembled
final list of Kenya 2017 students has now been released! Meaning the start of what
can only be described as an epic adventure begins for 27 students and staff. Fundraising is the main focus over the
next few months and todays update looks to cover some ideas and thoughts on
this area.
Fundraising Support:A helpful blog on what other students and
other schools have done to raise money for the trip. Worth a look when brain storming ideas and seeing how others have
advertised their ideas.
A helpful website for general
information on events, how to set them up, things to consider etc.
great way to advertise events and collect money in a more efficient less
bouncer style approach (can have a bigger population reach).
important to think and plan events before advertising. Miss Wilson and Mr
Laywood have a year plan to spread the bigger events out to ensure you have
access to more people and attention for your events is full.
Things to consider are:
- What health and safety
aspects do you need to consider (does a risk assessment need to be carried out)
- What other events could
potentially clash with yours (exams, whole school events etc.)
- How many people do you
need for it to be a success? (The more people you have the less funds you will
receive but not enough people equals a poor event!)
- Be creative and try and
ensure you give something back (that could be your time, food or entertainment)
A fundraising after school session will
be happening in the next few weeks keep an eye out on twitter/emails for
selection of days to attend. The session aims are to get you to meet your
future team members, brain storm ideas, go through planning an event and
creating a letter for companies and businesses to start connecting with the
wider community. Let the fundraising commence.....
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