Kenya 2017 Updates: 243 days to go.....
Halloween Fun
Firstly well done to the Halloween Party fundraisers, who organised a fantastic Key Stage three party last month. The event was not only well organised but gave students a really fun opportunity to enjoy Halloween, whilst raising money towards their Kenya trip and gaining further life skills.
Curry & Quiz Nights
A fun way to raise money is hosting a curry/quiz night at a local curry restaurant- a number of restaurants are very supportive and often give you a really good discount to enable to raise more money for charity. Couple these experiences with raffles it often means students make a large sum of money if organised well. Two examples attached raised over £500 and £1000 for their events. Invite the Kenya staff team and staff too any tickets can be stored in the PE office and student reception too. Any information or support speak to your Kenya Fundraising leader or Miss Wilson.
Funds Finished!!!
A massive well done to Alice for not only being the first student to fully raise all of her money (in 6 months!!!) but also to go over her total too, so she can take much needed equipment and resources to her projects in the summer. Will post a small video fro Alice sharing her experiences and ideas with you guys on twitter shortly....Finally flights have recently been booked for us and the details will be shared with you and your parents over the next few weeks. The new year will see further updates with rooming's, reminder about vaccinations and passports and
our trip itinerary.
Christmas is a great time of year for people to share and be generous, break down the remaining time you have left with mini fundraising goals (a certain amount by a certain time and work towards smaller goals). Plan for the seasons and ensure your peak school stress points (i.e. exams) are avoided!
The Kenya Team
Miss Wilson Mr Tomlinson and Miss Pinnington
Staff team assembled.... (minus be revealed soon...) |
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