85 days and counting.....

Easter Update
So its been a while since our last Blog and we are fast approaching the final few months before the trip begins! With 85 days left a number of reminders and key bits of information need to be shared to ensure that we are fully prepared for the 14th July. Over the next two terms examinations are an important distraction to the trip and will always take priority but making sure your fundraising and preparations for the trip are still ticking over in the background will see you ready for the trip in less than 85 days.

We have a "Teachers got Talent" 2 day show being arranged by students in the Summer term, should be an......interesting event! Any ideas or help needed with final ideas please speak to either Miss Wilson or your fundraising staff member.
Staff Update:
The final staff team has been confirmed and the final groupings and staff leaders will be announced next month, so just a quick reminder as to who you will sharing the experience with.

Miss Pinnington is a D+T specialist who loves to play sport so will be great support when working on the building and teaching projects. Miss Pinnington is a rugby, water polo, weightlifting specialist looking to share her talents on the projects she is most looking forward to experiencing the different food and culture in Kenya.

Mr Tomlinson is our only male member of the team, most looking forward to meeting some lions and working with the schools. Bringing his love of rugby to some of the Kenyan students is high up on his list of things too do when in Nakuru.

A reminder we will be each given a second luggage bag to take across gifts and teaching equipment to out projects in Kenya. We have had a number of generous donations of clothes and sporting equipment and will be adding to this collection between now and our trip. Pens, books, clothes, sports equipment all are important things we can take with us to help make school a more enjoyable experience for the students in Kenya.
←Leicester City FC have been very kind and donated two kit boxes of LCFC kit for students in Kenya. We have some rugby kits and football kits too. Any more sports kit will be very welcome to our collection.
Next blog:
Next time we update our blog the following topics will be covered in more detail:- The three Kenya project teams and staff leaders
- Visa application (3 months prior to our departure date; please make sure you have two pictures handed into Finance ASAP - see previous blog for information)
- Passports (please make sure you have handed your passport into finance for them to make a copy ASAP)
- Rooming's
- Vaccination checks (You should have all at least made a appointment with your local GP to see what vaccinations and medication you will require before the trip. YELLOW FEVER being a must to travel to Kenya)
- Teaching ideas and resources
- A reminder of the trip itinerary (day to day plan for the whole trip).
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