Building Teaching and Cooking aka Day 2

Tuesday 18th July- Day 2 on the projects


Today was our second day at Jubilee school and we were again greeted by a welcoming song. All of the children were so lively and loving, when running up to see us. Sam, Dan and Ollie focused on plastering the outside walls of the new classroom, in the warm Kenyan morning. The girls focused on teaching, Chloe and Emily were teaching about different colours, while the other girls taught maths to the younger children.
At their break, we brought out the skipping ropes and gave them out to the children. Seeing their excited faces was so amazing. They reacted with even more excitement when we brought out the rainbow parachute and the footballs. Our second day at Jubilee was just as eye opening and uplifting.
Can’t wait for tomorrow!!



After the first day at Rokaken we could not wait to return to see all the children that had stolen our hearts. Alice and Athine helped the cooks with making lunch and porridge for the 400 children. They washed all the spinach and kale leaves and helped to plate up and serve dinner. Becky and Emma B began on construction whilst Rachel, James and Emma W all started the day off by sitting in on lessons and helping with the construction of the wall. They also delivered lessons to class two and class four, teaching them how to play hangman. Alice, Becky and Emma B also led a lesson to class one where we made pipe cleaner spiders and attached then to a mobile spider web. We spent the afternoon getting to know the higher classes on a more personal level and we are planning to arrange a dance class tomorrow afternoon.

The Walk:


We were looking forward to our second day on the project and it definitely didn’t disappoint. We had a mixture of the girls teaching while the boys painted the front of the new building and vice versa. The paint got everywhere, Oli even stepped in the bucket and got his shoe covered, which one of the builders generously offered to clean! Henry and Oli taught the children some new games including stuck in the mud, bulldog and fox and rabbit, while Sam and the girls had to draw animals for an art lesson in another class (every kid wanted about 10 individual animals drawn by us in each book). At break and lunch, we gave out bubbles, which the children went very mad over. Football was also played along with the other games that the boys had taught. Everybody loved today, and it felt like we have been there a lot longer than 2 days! We are all very excited to go back tomorrow…


Staff version of events…..

Another beautiful start to the day in Nakuru. Students all psyched to get to the projects and start putting the donations to good use. All three projects have on going building projects today, some groups have spent the day digging, some cementing and mud slinging and painting, as you can imagine this is hard work but students prevailed and made positive contributions to their projects. As the confidence with teaching grows we have seen some very impressive day two lessons. Colours, solar systems, 9 times tables, football, English and animals. Staff rock up back at the hotel buzzing with energy form working with the schools and our students. Nothing but praise and examples of our students going above and beyond is the talk over dinner. Pictures are shared and then plans for tomorrow are made and chilled night of cards and planning before another much needed early night!! So excited to see what tomorrow brings and the upcoming mini adventures to the water fall, equator and the Safari!!!!


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